Na ovoj stranici možete preuzeti Nymphette verziju fonta Version 1.00 February 4, 2009, initial release, koja pripada obitelji Nymphette (Regular ocrtavanje). Dizajner - Nymphont. Preuzmite Nymphette besplatno na Ovaj font pripada sljedećim kategorijama: brushed, classical, curly. Veličina fonta - samo 43 Kb
Obitelj | Nymphette |
Ocrtavanje | Regular |
Uvlačenje | Nymphette:Version 1.00 |
Puno ime | Nymphette |
Verzija | Version 1.00 February 4, 2009, initial release |
Naziv PostScripta | Nymphette |
Veličina | 43 Kb |
Dizajner | Nymphont |
Opis licence | Free for commercial and personal use. If you can/want to give credit to me I'm Lauren Thompson The Font Nymph Nymphont you can link me would be cool but is not required. If you use this font somewhere, don't be shy, email me [email protected] with a link so I can see, would you please? No one ever does that! :) Download and use this font freely commercially or personally, but if you must donate, I'm willing to accept through PayPal. :) 4.twenty.20.four.7.oh.2 Give your life a listen & Stay tuned, From the Fabulous Las Vegas, Lauren Thompson Oh please, no derivitaves/modifications what-so-ever and Nymphont, Lauren Thompson shall not be responsible for any direct or indirect damages or loss arising out of the use or inability to use these fonts and downloading them. Upon downloading the user accepts all responsibility. Do not copy or redistribute. Distribution of this font has been limited to select authorized distributors. Font Squirrel is an authorized distributor of this font. Enjoy! |
Možete spojiti font Nymphette sa svojom stranicom bez preuzimanja s našeg servera. Sve što trebate napraviti - je slijediti upute navedene dolje:
Odaberite opciju koja najbolje odgovara slučaju instalacije i dodajte ovaj kod na vašu stranicu (zalijepite ga odmah iza početne oznake <head>):
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@import url(;
Aktivirajte font u svom CSS-u:
font-family: 'Nymphette', arial;
Uzorak izvornog koda:
<html> <head> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style>body {font-family : 'Nymphette', arial;font-size : 48px;text-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #aaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div>Making the Web Beautiful with Nymphette!</div> </body> </html>
Možete primijeniti različite stilove i CSS-ove, koristeći našu knjižnicu efekata, za privlačan i individualiziran izgled vaše stranice.