Na ovoj stranici možete preuzeti Gandhi Serif Bold Italic verziju fonta Version 1.001, koja pripada obitelji Gandhi Serif (Bold Italic ocrtavanje). Proizvođač fonta je Cristobal Henestrosa & Raul Plancarte, in collaboration with David Kimura & Gabriela Varela.. Dizajner - Cristobal Henestrosa & Raul Plancarte, in collaboration with David Kimura & Gabriela Varela.. Preuzmite Gandhi Serif Bold Italic besplatno na Ovaj font pripada sljedećim kategorijama: paragraph, serif fontovi. Veličina fonta - samo 132 Kb
Obitelj | Gandhi Serif |
Ocrtavanje | Bold Italic |
Uvlačenje | CristobalHenestrosa&RaulPlancarte,incollaborationwithDavidKimura&GabrielaVarela.: Gandhi Serif Bold Italic: 2012 |
Puno ime | Gandhi Serif Bold Italic |
Verzija | Version 1.001 |
Naziv PostScripta | GandhiSerif-BoldItalic |
Proizvođač | Cristobal Henestrosa & Raul Plancarte, in collaboration with David Kimura & Gabriela Varela. |
Veličina | 132 Kb |
Zaštitni znak | Gandhi Serif is a trademark of Librerias Gandhi S.A. de C.V. |
Dizajner | Cristobal Henestrosa & Raul Plancarte, in collaboration with David Kimura & Gabriela Varela. |
Web adresa pružatelja | |
Opis licence | [The English version of this License is reproduced below.] [El texto en espanol se presenta sin acentos ni diacriticos de modo intencional.] Reglas de uso Usted puede: -Instalar las fuentes tipograficas en tantos dispositivos como desee. -Distribuir las fuentes tipograficas a quienes desee. -Utilizar las fuentes tipograficas en documentos comerciales y no comerciales. -Guardar las fuentes tipograficas en un formato que se adapte mejor a sus propositos. Pero no puede: -Modificar las fuentes tipograficas en un programa de edicion tipografica. -Vender o rentar las fuentes tipograficas. Notas: -Las fuentes tipograficas y cualquier otro material escrito o electronico que las acompanen se proporcionan en su estado actual sin garantia de ninguna especie, expresa o implicita. Los autores no garantizan que las funciones contenidas en las fuentes tipograficas seran las mismas que las requeridas por el usuario. -Los autores no seran responsables por danos directos, indirectos, consecuentes o incidentales (incluyendo los danos por perdida de ganancias, interrupcion del negocio, perdida de informacion y similares) que surjan del uso o incapacidad de uso de las fuentes tipograficas. --- Conditions of use You may: -Install the fonts on as many devices as you wish. -Distribute the fonts to anyone you wish. -Use the fonts in any commercial or non-commercial document. -Save the fonts in a format that would best fit your purposes. You may not: -Modify the fonts in a font editor software. -Sell or rent out the fonts. Notes: -The fonts and any other accompanying written or electronic materials are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The authors do not warrant that the functions contained in the fonts will meet the user's requirements. -The authors shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages (including damages from loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use the fonts. |
Možete spojiti font Gandhi Serif Bold Italic sa svojom stranicom bez preuzimanja s našeg servera. Sve što trebate napraviti - je slijediti upute navedene dolje:
Odaberite opciju koja najbolje odgovara slučaju instalacije i dodajte ovaj kod na vašu stranicu (zalijepite ga odmah iza početne oznake <head>):
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@import url(;
Aktivirajte font u svom CSS-u:
font-family: 'Gandhi Serif Bold Italic', arial;
Uzorak izvornog koda:
<html> <head> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style>body {font-family : 'Gandhi Serif Bold Italic', arial;font-size : 48px;text-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #aaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div>Making the Web Beautiful with Gandhi Serif Bold Italic!</div> </body> </html>
Možete primijeniti različite stilove i CSS-ove, koristeći našu knjižnicu efekata, za privlačan i individualiziran izgled vaše stranice.