Na ovoj stranici možete preuzeti Droid Serif Italic verziju fonta Version 1.00 build 107, koja pripada obitelji Droid Serif (Italic ocrtavanje). Proizvođač fonta je Droid-Serif-Italic. Preuzmite Droid Serif Italic besplatno na Ovaj font pripada sljedećim kategorijama: besplatni fontovi, ćirilični fontovi, latinični fontovi. Veličina fonta - samo 152 Kb
Autorska prava | Digitized data copyright © 2007, Google Corporation. |
Obitelj | Droid Serif |
Ocrtavanje | Italic |
Uvlačenje | Ascender - Droid Serif Italic |
Puno ime | Droid Serif Italic |
Verzija | Version 1.00 build 107 |
Naziv PostScripta | DroidSerif-Italic |
Proizvođač | Droid-Serif-Italic |
Veličina | 152 Kb |
Zaštitni znak | Droid is a trademark of Google and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. |
Web adresa dizajnera | |
Web adresa pružatelja | |
Opis licence | This font software is the valuable property of Ascender Corporation and/or its suppliers and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. This font software is licensed to you by Ascender Corporation for your personal or business use on up to five personal computers. You may not use this font software on more than five personal computers unless you have obtained a license from Ascender to do so. Except as specifically permitted by the license, you may not copy this font software. If you have any questions, please review the license agreement you received with this font software, and/or contact Ascender Corporation. Contact Information: Ascender Corporation Web |
URL of license | |
Možete spojiti font Droid Serif Italic sa svojom stranicom bez preuzimanja s našeg servera. Sve što trebate napraviti - je slijediti upute navedene dolje:
Odaberite opciju koja najbolje odgovara slučaju instalacije i dodajte ovaj kod na vašu stranicu (zalijepite ga odmah iza početne oznake <head>):
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@import url(;
Aktivirajte font u svom CSS-u:
font-family: 'Droid Serif Italic', arial;
Uzorak izvornog koda:
<html> <head> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style>body {font-family : 'Droid Serif Italic', arial;font-size : 48px;text-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #aaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div>Making the Web Beautiful with Droid Serif Italic!</div> </body> </html>
Možete primijeniti različite stilove i CSS-ove, koristeći našu knjižnicu efekata, za privlačan i individualiziran izgled vaše stranice.